Thursday, October 4, 2012

Rushing to Time..

Sleep lingers in little eyes. The hustle and bustle of school serving as a rather rude awakening.

It is one of those mornings. Nerves are exposed dangerously close to the surface; raw emotions ripe for the picking. There is dissension amongst my troops. Agitation builds.

A whirlwind of to-do's consumes perspective. I look into the far to near future instead of persevering towards Eternity by remaining in the present.

"Please go ahead and eat. We need to get to school!!" My words ring hollow for I speak in the tongues of men not voice that of a noisy gong, a clanging cymbal.

They see the ugly in me all to vividly; my heart knows it. Frustration builds.

In a rush, I clumsily and callously chip both dishes and souls. I am in the sinking sand of the hourglass.

Rushing is the enemy's playground; a busy soul always speeds up a clock.

Hurry. Hurry. The enemy lies; chaos abounds.

Creativity stolen. The joy of Presence left behind.

More orders are barked. Then, I remember ORDER...

"Remember, O God, my life is but a breath." Job 7:7

My life is but a breath, and yet I am Eternity's breath.

Follow His order, and Time is for the taking.

Stop. Breath. Remember your God.

Time never flys when you are having His fun for you are living within the realm of eternity. Joshua, the warrior-mystique, watched the sun stand still on that majestic hill country as Time hailed victory down.

And, aren't we as mothers, warrior-mystiques? Aren't we doing battle everyday in this culture of busyness? Yet, Victory rains grace down. We have the Son not only over us, but in us. He calls us to play.

"Perhaps our most hidden sin is that we have so little time for one another. We need to relearn how to relate eye to eye, hand to hand, heart to heart. We have to encourage one another to keep walking toward Jesus, toward joy, toward truth. Edward Farrell's Free to be Nothing

Stop. Breathe. Remember your God.

I hit the ground running to the only Time and place a daughter of the King should be rushing to...the cross.

I bow before my three, look them in the eyes, and ask for forgiveness. Hands touch one another's hearts, and we enter the Presence. We reclaim the morning by dancing...dancing to Eternity. Red curls rocket through the air; Bird cuckoos in a caucaphony of laughter; Blue-eyes sparkles in a wave of break-dancing as we break the pressured time contraints of this world. Time stands still.

Stop. Breathe. Remember your God.

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

Live the Life of our King, a series of interruptions purposefully leading to the cross where Time is poured out.

"We redeem time when we allow a moment or a series of moments to become for us a vehicle of God's presence. To redeem time is to make time transparent so that we experience not as pressure, but as a sign of the Holy." James C. Fenhangen's Ministry and Solitude

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