Tuesday, October 19, 2010

With a Wink and a Smile....

Ok, the "wink" is really just batting of her eyelashes, but look at how pleased with herself she is. She looks pretty darn cute either way!

And, don't you just love the encouragement by brother Whitt in the background.

Monday, October 18, 2010


These are just a few from today.....
"There is the Mississippi River. One time God turned it into blood." (not quite the Nile, but hey, our city is named after Memphis, Egypt)
"Mommy, my favorite thing to do is to stay home from school and be sick. Let's do that tomorrow. That is a great idea!"
Me: "Why do you want to do that? And, by the way, you aren't sick anymore" (he was sick one day last week)
"I feel a cough coming on, and I need to get in bed to watch videos and have breakfast for dinner again to feel better."
"Mommy, we are the boss of our bodies."
Me: "Yes"
"But, we are not the president of our bodies, right!?"
At bath time, he decided to stand on the edge of the tub and "spray" it down just as I was about to run the water. And, yes, just in case you were wondering, the potty is only about two feet away. Not really sure why he decided to use the tub instead of it.
And, finally as he was being tucked in and we were saying prayers, he said, "Thank you Jesus for finding a home in my heart!"
What a perfect combination of boyhood wonder, precociousness, mischief, and sensitivity, and all in one day!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


It is going to take some kind of woman to capture my Whitt's heart. She is definitely going to have to be pretty special to pull away from the shadow of his big sister.
He absolutely adores Mae. This picture says it all. Whitt is loud, rambunctious, enthusiastic, and loves an audience. Miss Mae is more reserved and pensive with an independent spirit and a quiet confidence. She doesn't mind that he is continually chattering while she hardly gets a word in. She laughs at his antics. One would think that the quieter one would rely on the energetic one, but not so. She is his touchstone, always there when he needs her. She so often is his strength and reassurance by being just who she is. Like I said, this picture says it all.

Friday, October 1, 2010


From the lips of children and infants, you have ordained praise..." Psalm 8:2a
Michael took this picture last weekend, and I immediately fell in love with it. I never would have seen the way Bruce was looking up at me if Michael hadn't captured that perfect moment (I was busy keeping my eyes on the older two as they danced and darted around the shell). That is the story of sweet Bruce's life-he quietly and patiently goes here and there, just about everywhere, following after Mae and Whitt.
Being a wife and mother of three, I am fully aware that I am unable to meet everyone's needs each day. I fail each of them at some point. I cling to the hope and knowledge that God fills in all those gaps for me, He is made perfect in my weakness. And, although I love them with an intensity I can't even begin to put into words, an ugliness bubbles up in me from time to time, the resentment in my selfish heart whispering when is there time for me. The reality is I always miss them the minute they are gone.
But, in this picture, my precious baby is looking at me with complete love. He isn't thinking about all the ways I have failed him or my many faults; he is just patiently waiting for me to turn and face him, holding on to me the entire time.
As I looked at that captured moment, I thought what a perfect reflection of God's grace for us. How amazing is a God who uses a fourteen month old to remind his mommy once again of our God's love!