Monday, September 24, 2012

A Whole Bunch of Awesomeness

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick; but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12

Four days and counting, Red curls has morphed into spiderman...a spiderman, that is, with an uncanny resemblance to Bozo the clown in fireman boots.

Without a care in the world, he marches through stores, playgrounds, carpool lines, and school leaving a trail of smiles.

"A desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul." Proverbs 13:19

I watch as hearts skip a beat; I watch eyes feast on my boy in laughter, and yet I see something deeper in the gazes...a recognition...a longing...a return for what once was.

A time when Hope reigned over our existence...

A time when it was natural to be a whole bunch of awesomeness parading through the Life spreading joy...

When is the shift...

When does it become a battle...

To lovingly live into the unique, intricate, beautiful beings each one of us was made to be...

To stop taking ourselves so seriously that we forget the great intentionality of laughter...

To stop listening to other's thoughts of us intead of our Creator...

When does laughter transform into self-deprecation instead of rejoicing?

When do we start seeing everything in black and white instead of the Grace-filled rainbow of His Kingdom?

When do we lose the mission of Hope?

When do we stop daring?

"Left to ourselves, we can never handle our own uniqueness. We have to give the burden of "being me" to God's care and nurture. But in doing this, we discover more of the greatness of our loving Father. For if God is indeed God, then he has a separate perception and thought for everything that exists. Every creature at every moment is specifically known and sustained by him. An infinite love has an infinite attention to loving each creature in its own specific way. As Jesus said, not a hair on our head goes unnoticed by our heavenly Father. Because of this, it is no idle pretense of false arrogance on our part to believe that each one of us has a unique journey to make in the company of God. It is this profound individuation of our whole life before God that gives us substance to the reality: He loved me; he gave himself for me." James Houston's The Transforming Power of Prayer

Sanctification is a recognition...a longing...a return to what once was.

Our superhero has come, and He did not just come to save the day. Jesus moved heaven and hell that we may share the riches of eternity with Him.

Dare to see yourself through the Truth of His eyes...

Dare to laugh...

Dare to Hope...

Dare to fulfill the true desire of your heart...

Dare to live the mission...

Know who you are, then you will know what you can give...

A whole bunch of awesomeness parading through the Life spreading joy...

1 comment:

  1. crazy good again would you like for me to write the forward? Or maybe just a review?
