Saturday, April 10, 2010

The farmer and the dell and Tank

We decided to do a little "no-dig" garden this year, very small 4' x 6'. We started our seedlings a month ago. We layered our straw, fertilizer, and compost over Easter so that it would be all ready to plant this weekend. I woke up this morning to perfect weather, so as soon as Bruce went down for his morning nap, I was outside planting while Mae and Whitt played. All of a sudden, it was noticeably quieter, so I took a break and looked up to see Whitt curled up in Tank's chest. I once read that joy is "peace smiling." Well, it must look something like this. They were both so content just soaking one another in along with the sunshine. A little bit later, Mae noticed and just couldn't resist becoming part of the Tank lovefest as well. The man is out of town this weekend, but instead of feeling slightly envious, all I could think was, "I am the lucky one. This is exactly where I want to be." I was sad Michael was missing out. I knew he would love it, so I took half a dozen pictures for him (They are not as good as his, but they aren't bad either if I do say so myself).
A little side note on Tank: Our sweet big dog is not the brightest star in the sky (I say that with all love and affection). You see that teeny tiny bump on top of his head. That is his brain. We brought him home right when we were married. He received all of our attention. Then came Ernie (our other dog) and then the real "trouble-makers" to his world, Mae, Whitt, and Bruce. With each new addition coupled with the continuing increase in daily noise level, he has become more and more neurotic, licking the carpet, floor, his paws over and over and over compulsively. He occasionally stops the licking to snap at imaginary "flies" that constantly seem to be pestering him and flying around his head. But, for what he lacks in brain power and mental health, he makes up with heart. He moves from room to room to be right where we are and watches over our little ones diligently, all the while patiently taking in their antics. A dog with a heart of gold!


  1. Tank is so great-such pretty pictures of your angels!

  2. sweet tank.
    I think you need to be a writer....
