Whitt, Bruce, and I eased up in the carpool line. I spot Mae waving at us wildly, always a great part of my day. As we get closer, I see Mae's teacher motioning to her mouth, and I notice Mae's lips are the brightest possible shade of hot pink. I think to myself they must have had another lipstick day (A couple of months ago, they sent home a small tube of lipstick with each girl while they were studying "darling dollies." Pops acutally picked Mae up from school that day, and somehow the lipstick ended up out of her bag, all over her face, clothes, and the backseat of Pop's car). Obviously, I wasn't thinking to hard considering they are learning about orca and balleen whales right now, and lipstick and whales just don't seem to mix.
So, here is the conversation when the car door opens:
J: Oh, Mae. You look so fancy!!! Love your lipstick.
Mae's sweet teacher: It's actually marker. She colored her lips today.
(Mae beaming)
J: Oh! (Trying not to crack up)
So, yes, our little Miss Priss painted her lips with her favorite color, and you know what she did a good job. Check it out. She stayed pretty much in the lines, truly some of her best work.
Of course, we talked about how markers always stay on paper (which she already knew), but in all honesty, the fact that my girly girl so wanted lipstick that she decided to break the rules and color in her lips with a bright pink marker made my day.
Do you think she's supposed to come live with me?