Mae has been going to choir on Wednesday nights at our church this year. She loves it and looks forward to it every week. She does not however like for us (brothers and parents as well as grandparents) to watch her perform. This all came to light in December at her school's Grandparents Day/ Christmas program. Our little Mae climbed up on the very front riser, dead-center in a room full of overzealous family members (us included) with cameras and videos rolling. She started singing the Mandarin song they had learned, then she spotted us out of the corner of her eye as Whitt waved widely at her. She immediately stopped singing, then she started playing with her nails. Not sure what was going on, we all thought she would feel more relaxed if she could see us better. We moved so that we were right in front of her line of sight. Big mistake! She then started to rub her big brown eyes so hard I thought they were going to pop right out the back of her head. That is pretty much how the rest of the program went.
Fast forward, to two weeks ago. I pick Mae up from choir.
M: Mommy, Miss Julie (choir teacher) said we are going to have a spring program.
J: Yes, you are! Aren't you excited?
M: I don't want you to come.
J: (Heartbroken) Why Mae? I would love to come see you. I love you and am so proud of you! Do you want Daddy to come?
M: No
J: JJ and Pops?
M: No
J: Ok, we won't come if you don't want us to. I will just drop you off and pick you up at the party afterwards.
As you can imagine, we were not about to miss seeing her, so I dropped her off at the church, came back to the house where everyone loaded up (including JJ and Pops), and went right back up there. We snuck up to the baclony, so there was no possible way for her to see us and quietly watched.
It was so sweet. What a blessed moment to watch my baby girl sing praises to our Father! Could there be a more precious form of worship!?!
You could tell she was having so much fun up there, and she was so pleased with herself afterwards. We gave her a yellow tulip when the program was over, and she immediately turned around and gave it to Miss Julie. My girl!
Check out the singing before bed from tonight:
Jill, I love this!! Thank you for sharing these precious moments ~ you are such a gifted writer.