This photo of the little guy and I pretty much sums up our relationship. We can't take our eyes off one another; we are kindred spirits. He makes sure he knows exactly where I am at all times. His sweet little eyes will follow me around the room, and if he is being held by someone else and I am in arms reach, he lunges for me. He is perfectly content to spend the large majority of his day on my hip, and I just so happen to love it.
By the third one, you no longer care about all those silly, arbitrary rules like, "if you hold him all the time, you are going to spoil him." Maybe so, but I am perfectly happy soaking up as much of this sweet baby as I can (even if that means he is my human barnacle).
Check out the video of our little "barnacle" crawling. He really got going last week.
What a speedy little guy! And such a loving, big-sister hug...