Well, actually it was a morning delight. This past Tuesday, I loaded up both boys, pulled out of the drive, and we were on our way to take Whitt to school when we spotted not one, but two fire trucks on our street.
Now, all of you who know my boy are well aware of the fact that he is a wheel-man, big-time wheel-man! In fact, he calls school, "Tow-mater." Within a half hour of being there the first day he found a tiny Tow-mater figurine. Tow-mater now watches everything Whitt does at school. All of Whitt's school friends know it is Whitt's tow-mater, and when he missed two days of school to go to the beach, he made sure that one of the other boys in his class knew how to "watch" tow-mater and gave him very specific instructions until his return.
Back to the fire engines....Whitt's eyes got as big as saucers at the sight, so we pulled over and decided we would just have to be a little late to school that morning. He had a blast! He walked around both of them multiple times, taking in every square inch of the huge wheels and big trucks. You would have thought he was looking at the David. The firemen were so friendly and sweet. They let Whitt climb in one of the trucks and "drive" it. They turned on the lights for him, and they even gave him a little plastic helmet. It was absolute heaven to him, and heaven for me to watch his excitement. I just love that God carved out this little "stop everything" moment for my boy and I. After a hectic morning, He put my focus right back where it belonged, from tasks and "getting things done" to moments and blessings.
Ps-For any of you wondering, tow-mater is the tow truck in the movie "Cars." Big favorite around here.
Now for the skyrockets in flight. This is for Katie (my sister-in-law). She and my brother-in-law David sent Whitt a rocket-launcher for his birthday. I was telling her how high he was able to send the rockets, and she requested a video. Here it is. Do you think he likes it!?! Great gift!
Jill - I hope you don't mind that I am tagging along on Lindsey's coattails, but I had to comment on how precious the pictures of all the kids are, and video of the future astrophysicist in action (But WHO was that weird disembodied voice saying, "higher, higher!") I'm not sure, but he sounds like one of those people that you warn you children about. Regardless, I think it is such a great way to remember all the little things that you swear you will never forget, but are sometimes forgotten in the big picture. And there are sooo many joys in the small special moments of ordinary days.