Last Thursday when I was walking down the hall of Whitt's school, another mother stopped me. She said, "You would be proud of your son in there. He is torturing some earthworms. He is all boy isn't he?!" (Yes, they had a bucket of real live earthworms at school that day. They are learning all about the Earth and insects.) I turned the corner into Whitt's classroom only to find him bejeweled in worms. He had three different worms coiled around various fingers like beautiful, brown wriggling rings. Just then, he reached in the bucket to grab another and started to shove it in his mouth a la Anthony Bourdain/ Andrew Zimmern style.
On Friday, he ran into a little girl at My Big Backyard that is in his class. Wanting to charm her, he pulled out the big guns. He went, dug in the dirt for a few minutes, pulled out a worm, and handed it to her. Who needs a bouquet of flowers when there are earthworms, right!?! Once again, he got an "all boy" comment from the little girl's mother.
The culmination was this Wednesday afternoon while playing at a friend's house. He was splashing and throwing water at an outdoor water table, of course soaking himself in the process. After he had his fun, he decided he didn't like being wet. The only thing that would make him happy was to strip down completely and put on his spare pair of underwear (I always have an "accident" pair of undies in my bag). He spent the rest of the afternoon running around, going down slides on his stomach, and swinging baseball bats in only "Bert and Ernie" underwear and his frog rainboots. There was a symphony of "he is all-boy" throughout the backyard.
Yes, he is "all boy" and I wouldn't have it any other way, but I do need a nap every now and then to keep up.
PS-He was wearing his frog rainboots on a perfectly sunny day, not a raincloud in sight. He just really "needed" to wear them, and he will swear to you that they are lizards not frogs.
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