I am merry because....
- 1. Christmas Cards! Thank you for sending them. I rush out to the mailbox everyday during the month of December. If you didn't send one to us, please do next year. They make me so happy!
- 2. I have a mother-in-law who just knew that a starbucks gift card in the mail two weeks ago would be a huge treat-at just the right time. And, because she has been patient and gracious to me as I have discovered what it really means to be a daughter-in-law. When I finally completely opened myself up, the richness of relationship has come from fully sharing my husband and her son.
- 3. I have sister-in-laws that I am counting down the days to see and spend time with in March, and I love the men in their lives just as much!
- 4. I have a dad who picks up the phone whenever I call, wherever he is.
- 5. A mom who constantly hugged, kissed, and cuddled us growing up, and who has never critized one moment of my parenting.
- 6. A brother that loves having some "guy" time with my boys, and neices who adore taking care of their cousins.
- 7. Dinner and story time with the YLM boys. For the friends from our class who made the idea happen, for the time spent with them and their families, and some special boys who instead of praying for God to change their situations pray that God gives them the strength they need. Pray that I remember this the next time a complaint crosses my mind or lips.
- 8. Friends that love me knowing I am a work in progress. I read this recently, "You don't create intimacy; you make room for it. This is true whether you are talking about your spouse, your friend, or God. You need space to be together. Efficiency, multitasking, and busyness all kill intimacy." I have been letting those last three things creep in. Thanks for being patient with me, being there for me, and loving me through my many imperfections. I love being part of your lives.
- 9. That there were two lululemon packages under our tree as well as a picture of me driving a brand new minivan! Slam dunk, M-you did good!
- 10. That I got my number 3, and he has red hair with a little ducktail curl in the back to boot! Not to mention, he loves his momma something fierce and she loves every minute of it.
- 11. That a father of a little girl Whitt's age came up to us last night after seeing Whitt on the Christmas video at church and said, "I better keep ____ (his daughter's name) away from Whitt. He is just to cute!" His energy can be challenging at times, but it is also completely contagious. I never know what is going to come out of his mouth, and he makes me laugh so hard my sides hurt at least twice a day.
- 12. That my sweet girl looked at her brothers in the bathtub tonight and said in a fit of giggles, "That is what we got for Christmas, a day full of laughter." Yes, my almost five year old is way more profound than me.
- 13. That I have a man who makes me feel so beautiful every day that I am finally able to say I like my body just the way it is.
- 14. Homemade toffee from a friend and peppermint ice cream!
- 15. That as we walked outside last night at 7:30 to leave our reindeer food on the driveway our copy of How Christmas Began had all of a sudden been delivered to our back step just in time. Since I don't believe in coincidences, it was like God patting me on the back, saying here you go. All the insecurities I felt about how we were handling Christmas with our children this year washed away.
And, to all a good night!
Personally I am thankful for you and for your guiding me through this week. Thank you thank you from me and my family-thank you for your wisdom and thoughtful advice and for listening to me for hours...and praying for hours. You're friendship is a gift like no other. Love you.