So, we have been doing a Jesse advent tree devotion for the past twenty-three days, read the Christmas story over and over, played with our different nativity scenes, talked about the cake we are going to bake for Jesus birthday, and have created a love chain where each link talks about how they celebrate Jesus' birth in different countries on Christmas day (great tool our church gave us). But, to be honest it has not eclipsed the fascination of Santa Claus for Mae and Whitt. I don't think it is as much the three presents Santa brings as it is the wonder and spirit of the jolly old man who lives in the north pole with his mysterious flying reindeer (don't get me wrong I know they really like the presents as well). A dear friend told me about a book How Christmas Began by Claire Boudreaux Bateman that explains how Jesus helps Santa do his job, but unfortunately, there must be several parents with this same issue because when I ordered it three weeks ago it was backordered. So, Mae and Whitt were interviewed for the kids video that is played at the 4:00 Christmas Eve service at our church. Well, yesterday the video came in the mail, and Mae and Whitt answered "Santa" to what Christmas is all about. Now don't get me wrong, the video with my two little Christmas cuties giggling and talking away will be a treasure to me for years to come because of their interesting thoughts and responses. I just realized it was time for Santa to have a "come to Jesus" moment at our house. We needed them to be interwoven in our conversations for the time being. So, this christmas we are discipling Santa. I asked Mae and Whitt to draw pictures showing what happened on the very first Christmas and what it means to us so that we could show Santa. Here they are:

Whitt asked to use his stickers to help tell the story. He said the black in the background is the birthday cake truck and the blue is Jesus' cake.
We are leaving the drawings with Santa's cookies and milk and decided to make some angel, cross, and lamb cookies to go along with the santa, reindeer, and snowman cookies we usually leave. And, as Whitt said while icing cookies, we are "showing Santa the way to Jesus."
On another note: as much as Mae and Whitt LOVE Santa, the little red-headed man has a total aversion to him. It is intense!

PS-I am open to any suggestions, ideas, or insights on this complex dynamic : )
And, I know the drawings need to be rotated, but I have no clue how to do it. So, for now you will just have to have neck spasms while attempting to look at them-SORRY!
You, Jill Stockburger, are wise beyond your years! I am just catching up on many missed entries and am inspired and encouraged with the amazing job you are doing raising those 3 little ones! Keep the ideas coming.