I promise #2 needs a blog all to himself! Here are a few highlights from the past week and half:
Michael was in Charlottesville for a wedding the weekend before last. I had put all the kiddos down (or so I thought), and was enjoying a nice glass of wine while watching a movie snuggled in my bed. With movie over and wine gone, I went to put the empty glass in the sink and turn on the alarm. I stepped out into our pitch black hall only to be scared right out of my skin when I all of a sudden hear a little voice behind me asking for a back rub. I flipped on the light to find the little dinosaur pajama wearing ninja (the kid was able to somehow get through two child-proof gates, one at the top of the stairs and one at the bottom) with his "lizard" boots on and his dump truck filled with the entire cast of cars from Lightning McQueen. Come to think of it, I think he was also wearing his fireman's helmet.
Two nights later, Michael is back in town and finds him in his flashing cowboy boots and paper #3 crown that he got when he celebrated his birthday at school.
And, yes these antics continue. We are hoping the new "Time to wake" clock we ordered after will help.
The kid has a strong affinity for dressing up and he takes it pretty seriously. We went to a superhero birthday party this weekend. Whitt borrowed a padded spiderman costume from a friend. It was almost ninety degrees and pretty humid, and he refused to take not only the costume but also the hood off. We only saw his face for a brief moment when the cupcakes arrived on the scene. He quickly gobbled up some sugar, rehydrated, and was back scaling the swing set scaring a few other children in the process since no one knew who he was (the eye holes in the costume were dime-sized). I heard more than a few times, "whose kid is that?" during the party, and I proudly got to take claim to him. He was dripping wet by the time we got home.
By the way, he is pretending to shoot webs out of his hands in the picture above. Isn't Mae's face in that picture priceless, like he is totally crazy!
As a friend of ours said, "That kid knows how to party!"
Just when I think his strong will might get the better of me, he does something that makes me laugh so hard my sides hurt.
He just loves life and gives it all he's got, and I in turn just love him to pieces.
A quick note of the jack-o-lantern picture, that was last Tuesday, no where near Halloween. And, at 8:30 in the morning. He had just finished taking dinosaur and panda on a stroller ride.
And, yes, he lined up every single truck on the sofa to watch "Super Why" with him.
This is too funny-you should write a book, he is so hilarious!