Rewind a few weeks ago, we are cooking out with some dear friends, all of our kids running around like wild banshees with fits of giggling interspersed. Now up until this fresh crop of babies around Bruce's age, most of our close friends have had little boys except for sweet Ann Charlotte. Don't get me wrong, Mae loves playing with "her boys" as she affectionately calls them, but she has a special fascination and female kinship with AC. So, when it was time to change AC's diaper, Mae immediately followed Laura Lee, the mommy, to help with the chore (have I mentioned Mae has an extremely strong mothering instinct and is fascinated with all things baby). Laura Lee came out barely containing laughter and evidently this is the conversation that occurred back in AC's bedroom:
Mae noticed the fan in her room (I should also mention Mae is in a big "why" stage, very specific "why" questions).
M: Why does Ann Charlotte have a fan in her room?
LL: Well, it helps keep it cool and gives a breeze. (or something like that was said)
M: Oh, well we don't need fans at our house. We have air conditioning!
Fast-forward to the present. The past two days have been pretty warm and humid; the first days of the year where it feels like summer instead of spring. Mae looks at me, you can see the wheels turning, and says,
M: Do you think we should go get Ann Charlotte and bring her to our house to stay?
J: Well, they are at the beach right now, but we could have her over when they get back. Why?
M: She might be really hot without air conditioning. Bless her heart!
And, yes, she said that last sentence with all the drama and flair of a true Southern belle. She makes a mama proud!
She is too funny...and so thoughtful! I cant wait to see the crew-we miss you all!
ReplyDeleteOk, I LOVE that she said "bless her heart!"
ReplyDeleteToo funny! So sweet for Mae to think of Ann Charlotte on a hot day! I love it!!!!! So so cute and so so kind-hearted! We love you Mae!