We sat down for dinner tonight when Michael called and said he was running a few minutes behind. Since it was already a little later than we normally eat, I decided to get the big kids started, and I would wait and eat with Michael while they ate dessert. As I was waiting, I decided the combination of the wonderful spring weather and it being the end of the week welcomed an ice cold Corona. As I sat at the table relaxing with my adult beverage, Mae looked over at me. You could see the "wheels" turning, and then she spoke,
M: Mommy, why are you having a beer?
J: I just decided to have one while we waited for Daddy.
M: Beer isn't good for you.
J: Well, if you have one every once in awhile and you are a grown-up, it isn't bad.
M: Beer is a starch, isn't it? (She loves figuring out the different food groups: protein, fruit, veggie, starch, dairy, etc.)
J: Well, I guess you could call it a starch. Where did you learn about beer being a starch?
M: Sunday School!
J: Oh, of course you did.
Well, Jesus did turn water into wine, and our God does love a good celebration! I just know He was laughing right along with me as I listened to our precious/ precocious little girl.