Mae had an assignment to draw four ways God demonstrates His love for her. Her four boxes contained pictures of me, baby Jesus, flowers, and then very uniquely a picture of herself "daydreaming." Six years ago, on a saturday just like today with flakes of snow, Mae entered this world, and her journey of daydreaming began. As she was whisked from my arms, He was whispering to her heart, shielding her and holding her dreams in the midst of a noisy, chaotic, and fear-filled entrance. He was blessing her through His story for her, thankfully not granting mine which was far to limited for this girl of ours. He alone knows the complete uniqueness of her heart, soul, and mind for He fashioned them; I, as her mother, am allowed the privilege to walk alongside her, watching her discover who He made her to be, instilling the Truth in her life, pointing out the details of the Master's loving hand in His story for her as it unfolds while fighting the temptation to keep her on my "protected" plan.
My dear girl, I have watched Him grow your mind over the past year as you have learned to read with an increased love of science, learning, and passion for seeking knowledge. I love watching these skills emerge and expand as well as His gifts of your soul, this quiet surety budding into a sense of His righteousenss and a call for justice.
Remember, my love, that we seek knowledge to love more like Him, not for our pride; we seek knowledge in humility of the Great I Am for the sweetness of our journey and full glorification of His gifts in us.
Always remember He loves you in the "flowers." Use your mind to explore the intricacies, the order, the marvel of His creation. Use your heart to see the stories He longs to tell you of Himself through nature. Eagerly accept the privilege given by Him to cultivate His earth with respect and honor. Wrestle with the hard questions about this world using your soul to understand His authority on deeper levels, resting in the knowledge that this is your Father's world.
Always remember His gift of family, the body of Christ, our true family. Using your mind to see the diversity necessary to truly reflect our God, your soul to challenge the unjust walls of this world, and your heart to laugh even in the midst of tears, for laughter is love bubbling over, laughter is a stepping stone to unity.
Always remember the power of the blood of Christ. He made himself completely vulnerable to wash you whiter than the snow on the day of your birth, so when the wounds of this world tempt you to close off parts of your heart, use your mind to seek the Truth in His Word, your soul to recognize that you are made in the image of the Most High, a daughter of the King, and your heart to receive the oil of gladness, this love the Spirit longs to pour over you. This wellspring of the heart, that never runs dry, is the one true source of love.
Remember you must first RECEIVE, then you STRIVE out of gratitude found in His mercy; you never strive, then receive. There is NO EARNING; it is ALL HIS GRACE.
Above all, continue to daydream, my love.......continually daydream of eternity until you reach it....for He has made your heart, soul, and mind to long for these things....may your imagination stand firm in Him, not to be derailed by earthly understandings.....fully submit to His story for you with wonder allowing your life to sparkle with His holy joy smiling at the future before you.
"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future." Proverbs 31:25
Happy Sixth Birthday, Bird! Much flying He has for you...
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