"For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:10-11
Tuesday at 1:30 am we awoke to the dreaded stomach bug...it had attacked our little Miss Mae. After getting all cleaned up and settled, she fell asleep on a little pallet her daddy had made for her in our bedroom. As I lie there trying to force myself back to sleep, I was feeling sorry for my sweet girl, but there was also a bit of excitement bouncing through my heart for the next day...the excitement of everything being put on hold...
selah: to stop, to pause, to listen, to hang upon, always...to curl up in our home babying my girl...an opportunity for my increasingly independent girl to "need" me a bit more...this "need" bringing sweet reminders of her babyhood...the refreshing rush of collected memories...don't we all want our mommies when we are sick no matter the age...sickness creates a need that makes you fully present in the living waters of love...our most treasured, fragrant memories are rooted in dependence...the "need"...when we allow the pouring out of love's anointed oil on one another...the fleshing out of the gospel...
When morning came, it brought with it the first signs of winter...snow slowly floating down almost in a whisper...His breath dusting the ground...
Selah: the white causing us
to stop, to listen, stirring our souls...even if we are not conscience of it, this image of regeneration is wired in our hearts...our great "need"...the snow blanket falls seeping the earth, washing away, making things new...this image of redemption...He washes us clean...white as snow...
Later that day, I put my girl in the bed with me, and as her regular voice of authority morphed into soft waves of vulnerability, I soaked in the moment...the slight tilt to lovie's head as she placed her right under her nose...the ends of her toes softly brushing against my legs...the crisp, white pillow where we lay our heads...the whispy angel hairs that danced around her face...the sweet harmony of her breath that whistled at times...my breath meeting hers...our life force intertwined...a moment emblazoned for the always...
On this day, from the sickness,
Selah...true awakening...
Selah bringing restoration...His gifts are all around us there to receive when we
stop, pause, listen and
hang upon the great I AM trusting His goodness and His provision for that moment.
"Lift up your heads, O you gates;
be lifted up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
Who is he, this king of glory?
The Lord God Almighty-
he is the King of Glory.
Psalm 24:9-10
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