Well, one morning about a month ago, Mae looked at Michael's buckle (which has his initials engraved on it) and in joyous shrieks announced, "Daddy, Daddy, we have the same initials!!!" And, indeed they do, just in a slightly different order. The funny thing is she was the first one to ever notice it (which shouldn't surprise me because she has one of the most perceptive souls I have ever run across), and as soon as she said it, it made perfect sense.
Michael and Mae have always had a unique bond, their father-daughter relationship was lovingly taken to a deep level early on when I was placed on bedrest for six weeks only four days before Mae's first birthday. Michael was suddenly thrust into the position of main caretaker of our sweet baby girl at an age when physical touch is so much of the parent-child relationship, and that cemented the foundation that was already being laid, she is truly and blessedly a daddy's girl.
Here's the thing. I don't believe in coincidence; I absolutely believe that everything is part of one big plan, every tiny thread lovingly woven together, every minute detail. And, I just happen to love that He engraved their names on His hands using the same initials. He knew about it all along, and in typical fashion, it just took us a little longer to catch up.
Happy Fathers' Day, love! You sure know how to make both your "girls" feel special.

And, there are two beautiful boys who are pretty crazy about you as well!
PS-I like to think the little unique flip/ slightly different order in their initials is my presence, a little part of me running through both of them, just mixing things up a bit.
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