Uncle Dabid (as Whitt calls him) has always been somewhat of a superhero to Whitt. David is just one of those really cool Lance Armstrong type athelete, super outdoorsy (not sure if that is a word), garderner, naturalist, easygoing, always has a smile on his face, and always ready to play with our kids kind-of-guy that any little dude would LOVE! And, the rest of us think he is pretty cool as well.
But, for all these endearing traits, it was David's actions over the past weekend that elevated him to superhero status in Whitt's eyes. Katie and David's house (I think attic and chimney) had turned into a little housing community for a bat family who I assume multiplied at the speed of light because as of last night David had helped 51 (yes, I said 51) bats move out of their house to find a new place of residence, spreading their bat shreeking joy elsewhere. Evidently, bats are to Richmond what rats are to east Memphis. Let's be honest they are basically the exact same thing, one just flies. When I told Whitt about it, he said...
"Wow, I bet uncle David used 50 cages to catch all of them, and I bet he wrestled them into the cages with his BARE hands!!! You know he is pretty strong!"
So, here's to our real life Batman and one cool uncle!
And, here's a little video of one of the babies-yuck! I know all of God's creations reveal some form of beauty, but I prefer the bat drawings of Stellaluna versus up close and personal when contemplating the transcending uniqueness of bats.
Funny, how after I got over the shreeking of the baby, just hearing the squeals/ laughter of my sweet sister-in-law in the video made me completely crack up, made me completely miss her, and made me completely want time with her even if a bat baby is involved.
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