You get sent a little comic relief to remind you that you can't do one little thing without Him! Tuesday night, I had the house all picked up, a nice gardenia candle burning to fill the whole house (really to cover the dog smell), the kids bathed, laundry folded, dinner made, I had actually showered before 8:00 pm, and to top it all off I had make-up on! I thought I had created a little Norman Rockwell moment for Michael when he arrived home. I didn't think much about little Red running back and forth to our bedroom with a mischevious and delighted look on his face as I was bringing dinner to the table. Yes, I am a mother of three and definitely should know by now that when you see that look you investigate, but you see I was caught up in "creating" or should I say manufactoring a moment. Evidently, as the water was draining out of the tub, B was frantically trying to find anything he could get his hands on to throw overboard to take a plunge-pretty fun game for a twenty month old! As I thought about how even though I have never told him not to throw things into the tub, you could tell by his face that he knew he was disobeying, and that is exactly what made it so fun! I realized how similar are hearts really are, he and I. You see just saturday night I told Michael over dinner that it is by the grace of God that our children are alive at the end of each day. Then Sunday night, a friend and I talked about the same thing. There are so many moments something could happen; the fragility of our time here. I was recognizing then how "hands-on" God is with us every single moment of every day, but by Tuesday night, I was puffing myself up on my own pride. How easily, both B and I turn to the sin in our hearts, the only difference is he is twenty months, I am almost thirty-two; he is super cute and can be downright funny when he sins, me not so much. So, the story ends with Michael walking back to our bathroom to change. Then asking me what exactly happened at bath time grinning like the Chesire cat from ear to ear. Me confidently saying, "What are you talking about?" His response as he barely stifles laughter, "Come back here. I have to see the look on your face when you see this!" Me coming around the corner to find the above little surprise, then both of us laughing so hard our sides hurt. It is always nice when God decides to teach you a lesson and give you laughter all at the same time. And, yes that is a broom you see in there. Maybe, the house wasn't as tidy as I thought.
Oh no! Not the gray speed shoes!!