I am not a morning person, self-proclaimed. It is not that I like to sleep in; it is more that my brain/ communication skills don't want to kick-in until I have had a bit of coffee. I am definitely not perky in the morning; I prefer to quietly move through the motions and tasks at hand. On the other hand, my man (who I really, really love) is an irritatingly PERKY morning person. He can talk incessantly, loudly, and be oh-so chipper in the morning which has made this flaw of mine all the more apparent to me. So, I was a little concerned this year when school started on just how I (again, not a morning person) was going to get a four year old, three year old, and one year old dressed, fed, teeth-brushed, hair-brushed (including bow in proper place for Miss Mae), bags packed, and off to school by 8:00 (all the while trying to have a moment of connection with them before they start their school day). But, ever since that first day of school in August, God has sent me just what I need every single morning, the perfect pick-me up. Each morning right as the cars are loading for carpool, Mae runs to Whitt and gives him a giant hug and says, "I love you!" Whitt responds in fits of giggles with "I love you, more!" as he just about squeezes the life out of sweet Mae hugging her back. Often Mae looks at me and says, "Whitty is the best brother, ever," and Whitt will yell back to Mae, "Have a great day!" And, every single morning when it happens, I feel my heart get so full that it physically hurts and it feels like it might explode and yes, sometimes I feel the tears start to sting my eyes. So, on this thanksgiving day, I am thankful for all the personal love notes like this that God sends me throughout the day. I pray he opens my eyes and heart more each day so that I see and feel His love more clearly and deeply, and I don't let these personal moments He creates pass me by in the business of life (or in the business of a morning). I am thankful for all the times I see Him looking at me through the eyes of a husband, daughter and sons, parents and in-laws, sisters and brothers, loving friends, teachers, volunteers, and the occasional stranger who crosses my path at just the right moment.
PS-Sweet Bruce does get a quick hug from Mae and Whitt each morning as well. It's just that his early morning communication skills are about what mine are at this point-one word phrases.
I love it!!! You and Dupree are SOOOOO quiet in the morning! Poor Clay had to get used to the "singing everything we say when we wake up"! What a sweet message-it makes me tear up!