The intense heat seemed to vanish last week, and turned into the weather where you just can't seem to spend enough time outdoors. So, last friday afternoon, we headed to the playground for time with friends (even a friend from oxford appeared). After almost two hours of play, someone had the idea of trying to corral all the little ones in for a picture. We scattered goldfish in front of the toddler babies in hopes of keeping them still long enough for a few quick shots (it is amazing how kids are like pigeons when it comes to snack food). Next we tried to rope in Miss Mae and the older boys (one was a little reluctant to leave the slide, who could blame him: slide vs. getting blinded by multiple cameras-tough pick). And, then there were the fresh ones, sweetly sleeping on their respective mommies' laps, completely oblivious to the mass chaos inches away from them. Even with a bag of goldfish strewn everywhere, one person making every imaginable noise under the sun, and me shaking my tooshie for entertainment, the three cameras were not quite able to capture all our little banchees.
A few days later, we spent the afternoon with some friends visiting from atlanta and some memphis friends. There was swinging, scooter riding, ball playing, running, yelling, water time (which eventually led to a bunch of nakedness)-okay, and, a little bit of destruction as well. With a final burst of energy, we gathered everyone for a bath. Seven children in one tub-yes, seven, and let me tell you, it was a tub full of cuteness!
By the way, there were two newborn baby boys watching from the sidelines. Another year and they will be tossed in the tub as well and we will be up to nine!
As I watched both these pictures being taken, I was overcome just thinking about how rich God has made our lives, entrusting each of us with His little ones. We are all literally covered in babies, and although parenthood can be exhausting and overwhelming at times, it takes one little moment like these to put the magnitude and miracle of it all into perspective.
I am constantly hearing that this generation is facing the toughest times to grow up in, that the lines of real Truth are being blurred and constantly tested in this Postmodern culture, but as I am watching these little ones grow, I see different parts of their mommies and daddies in them, parts that I love their parents for-the best parts! It makes me hopeful. God's hands are all over this bunch of little ones, so watch out world! This little posse is going to be up to the challenge.
I wish we had gotten to join you!!! Such sweet memories!