So, the kids and I are at the beach with my in-laws. Yesterday, after a full morning running all over the beach enjoying the sunshine. The rain came, just in time for lunch and naps. Is there anything better than a nice long nap on a rainy day at the beach !?!
The rain continued into the afternoon, but that didn't stop us. Randi, my mother-in-law's best friend, had brought Whitt bubble mix complete with a shark (yes, shark) wand. Now, a side note on Randi: she is one of those people with a sunny, peaceful, and naturally calming presence that is absolutely contagious to everyone around her. You can just feel yourself relax when you are with her, and I have a feeling that she and her husband Doug have never met a stranger. But back to the afternoon, Randi added water to the mix and we headed out to the deck where it was nice and windy. It was an explosion of bubbles and sheer joy! My heart swooned as I watched my little boy with his super long curls (I just can't bring myself to cut them) and sparkling clear blue eyes delight in each and every bubble. He had full on machine gun giggles (you know the fast high-pitched kind, one giggle right after the other). The kind of laughter you hear, and then you catch it and can't stop laughing either. It was one of those moments where I just wanted to push pause, where I selfishly wanted my boy to stay just like that forever. One of those moments of perfection that gives us a glimpse of what Heaven will be like.
I must say those eyes would get me all the time. Thats why tink and murphy get away with so much!